(二) 口內觀-
- 正面-
b. 3 3 Bulging Out.
c. 2 2 32 23 Crossbite. d.Oral Hygiene: Good.
e.Frenum: No Abnormal find.
- 上牙弓-
a. 對稱性的『Ovaid』Arch From.
b. 3 3: Bulging out.
c. 2 2 : Lingual Tipping.
d. Space Deficiency : Right : 6mm. ....Left : 2mm.
e. 1 Deep Caries.
- 下牙弓- a. 不對稱性的『Ovaid』Arch Form.
b. Space Deficiency : Right : 1.5mm. ....Left : 2.5mm.
c. Lower Anterior Tooth Irreqularity.
d. : Mesio - Lingual Rotation. 5 5
- 右頰側-
a. Molar Class Ⅰ & Canine Class Ⅲ Relationship.
b. 3
3 Open bite.
- 左頰側-
a. Molar Class Ⅰ & Canine Class Ⅲ Relationship.
b. 3
3 Open bite.
3. Functional Examination: Incisal Edge To Edge (+).
4. Panoramic Radiograph Finding
a. No Missing Or Supernumerary Tooth.
b. 3 3 Impacted
c. 8 8 Crown Completely.
8 8 d. 65 56 Operative Dentistry Treated.
6 56
- Soft Tissue Conditions: Oral Hygiene: good Tongue, Mucosa, Frenum : No Abnormal Finding
- Prognosis: Good.
◆ 分析-診斷興治療計畫
- Cephalometric Analysis:
(1) 骨骼ClassⅠ關係及High Mandibular Plane Angle。
- Model Analysis:
(1) Space Analysis:
(2) Bolton Analysis:
Anterior Ratio: Mean Now
77% 79.9%
a Mandibular Teeth 較大
Overall Ratio: 91% 89.7%
a Maxillary Teeth 較大
◆ 診斷
Skeletal Class Ⅰ With High Mandibular Plane Angle.
Dental ClassⅠ TypeⅠ.Ⅲ Malocclusion With Upper Canine Bulging Out.
◆ 治療計畫:
a. Extraction of 4 4 4 4
b. Upper And Lower Fixed Appliance.
c. Band 76 67 And Bracket All Other Teeth. 76 67
d.Wear NHA & LHA ( Maximum Anchorage) NHA :Nance Holding Arch. LHA :Lingual Holding Arch.
e. Wear Straight Pull Headgear.
f. Alignment And Levelling Upper And Lower Teeth.
g. Close Extraction Space.
h. Retracted 21 12 By T-Loop 21 12
i. Finish And Detail Occlusion.
◆ 治療過程
(一)上、下牙弓Banding 及 Bonding,並且用.0195 Twist Wire+020round Wire作Alignment and Levelling。
(二)Band 76 67 & 6 6 做 N.H.A 及L.H.A。 76 67 6 6
(三)載上H.P.H.G.:達到Max. Anchorage。 載上H.P.J-hook: 21 12 Intrusion。
(四)用「T」Loop : Retracted 前牙 ( 21 12 ) 。 21 12
(五)用Up And Down elastic 做Bite Seating 及 Detailing。
(六) Debanding And Debonding。
(七) Retainer Delivery。