
Dr.Bjorn U. Zachrisson 的文獻

Dr. Björn U. Zachrisson

Professor of Orthodontics University of Oslo - Norway

Dr. Björn U. Zachrisson is Professor of the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Oslo, Norway and maintains a private Orthodontic Practice in Oslo, restricted at the tratment of adult patients.

He has been invited as speaker to more than 125 International Congresses in Orthodontics, Periodontics, Esthetic Dentistry of General
Dentistry, including 21 invitations to the AAO Annual Congresses, the last in Las Vegas, each time presenting a different lecture topic.

He presented 1-day precongress courses on EOS Congresses in 1973, 1993 ,2001, 2003, and Vienna, Austria 2006. Also precongress courses in Carmel, CA before the 2005 AAO congress and before the 6th Intemational Orthodontic Congress in Paris, France 2005 (together with Vince Kokich). Invited world-wide and over the past 35 years presented numerous 1, 2 or 3-day courses and lectures in Europe, USA, Canada, South America, Australia, Asia, and Africa.

Dr. Zachrisson is Associate Editor of the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, and a Member of the Editorial Boards of the Seminars in Orthodontics, Angle Orthodontist, World Journal of Orthodontics, Clinical Orthodontics and Research, Practical Periodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry.
He has published more than 220 scientific and clinical articles in international journals and textbooks, in orthodontics, periodontic, and general dentistry, and presented worldwide.

Direct bonding in orthodontic treatment and retention a post-treatment evaluation

JCO Interviews Dr. Bjorn Zachrisson on Excellence in Finishing, Part 1

JCO Interviews Dr. Bjorn Zachrisson on Excellence in Finishing, Part 2

JCO INTERVIEWS Bjorn U. Zachrisson, DDS, MSD, PhD, on Current Trends in Adult Treatment, Part 2

An Improved Transpalatal Bar Design. Part I. Comparison of Moments and Forces Delivered by Two Bar Designs for Symmetrical Molar Derotation

Improving orthodontic bonding to silver amalgam

Planning esthetic treatment after avulsion of maxillary incisors

Gingival Condition Associated with Orthodontic Treatment  

Periodontal Condition in Orthodontically Treated and Untreated Individuals II. Alveolar Bone Loss: Radiographic Findings

Improved orthodontic bonding to silver amalgam. Part 2. Lathe-cut, admixed, and spherical amalgams with different intermediate resins

Gingival Condition Associated with Orthodontic Treatment II. Histologic Findings

Periodontal Condition in Orthodontically Treated and Untreated Individuals I. Loss of Attachment, Gingival Pocket Depth and Clinical Crown Height

Fluoride Application Procedures in Orthodontic Practice, Current Concepts

Temperature Rise in the Pulp Chamber duringDifferent Stripping Procedures

Adjustment of Clinical Crown Height by Gingivectomy Following Orthodontic Space Closure

An Improved Transpalatal Bar Design. Part II. Clinical Upper Molar Derotation—Case Report

Anterior Space Relations and Lower Incisor Alignment in 9-Year-Old Children Born in the 1960s and 1980s

類  別:
99/11/09 --
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